.. This webpage has to remain at the current address (or a redirect has to be added) as the UUM paper points here. ================================================ Compatibility: Ubermag - OOMMF - mumax\ :sup:`3` ================================================ ------------------ Supported features ------------------ The following table summarises the available features in Ubermag, OOMMF and |mumax3|. We abbreviate ``micromagneticmodel=mm``, ``oommfc=oc`` and ``mumax3c=mc``. - Available in the calculator and implemented in Ubermag: |yes| - Partly implemented in Ubermag: |partly| [explanation] - Partly available in the calculator: |partly| [explanation] - Available in the calculator but missing in Ubermag: |missing| - Not available in the calculator: |no| ------------------- Energy Terms ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 2 * - Feature - Ubermag - OOMMF - |mumax3| * - - ``micromagneticmodel`` - ``oommfc`` - ``mumax3c`` * - Multiple energy terms of the same type - User has to specify unique ``name``s - |yes| - |partly| [Only Zeeman energy] * - Cubic anisotropy - ``mm.CubicAnisotropy`` - |yes| - |yes| * - Demagnetisation - ``mm.Demag`` - |yes| - |yes| * - DMI - ``mm.DMI`` - | |yes| | ``T`` | ``O`` | ``Cnv`` | ``D2d`` - |yes| [cannot be used without exchange] | ``T`` [not between subregions] | ``O`` [not between subregions] | ``Cnv`` * - Exchange - ``mm.Exchange`` - |yes| - |yes| * - Magneto-elastic - ``mm.MagnetoElastic`` - |yes| - |missing| * - RKKY interaction - between regions - ``mm.RKKY`` - |yes| - |no| * - Uniaxial anisotropy - ``mm.UniaxialAnisotropy`` - |yes| - |yes| * - Zeeman energy / time dependent - ``mm.Zeeman`` - |yes| / |yes| - |yes| / |missing| ------------------- Dynamics Terms ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 2 * - Feature - Ubermag - OOMMF - |mumax3| * - - ``micromagneticmodel`` - ``oommfc`` - ``mumax3c`` * - Damping - ``mm.Damping`` - |yes| - |yes| * - Precession - ``mm.Precession`` - |yes| - |yes| * - Slonczewski - ``mm.Slonczewski`` - |yes| - |missing| * - Zhang-Li - ``mm.ZhangLi`` - |yes| - |yes| ------------------- Drivers & Evolvers ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 2 * - Feature - Ubermag - OOMMF - |mumax3| * - - ``micromagneticmodel`` - ``oommfc`` - ``mumax3c`` * - Energy minimisation - ``mm.Energy`` - ``oc.MinDriver`` - ``mc.MinDriver`` * - Energy relaxation - ``mm.Dynamics`` - ``oc.TimeDriver`` [dynamics equation without precession] - ``mc.RelaxDriver`` * - LLG time evolution - ``mm.Dynamics`` - ``oc.TimeDriver`` - ``mc.TimeDriver`` * - Evolvers - ``mm.Evolver`` - |yes| - |missing| ------------------- Compatible versions ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Ubermag - Release date - OOMMF (Docker image) - mumax\ :sup:`3` * - 0.66.0 - 2022-10-20 - 2.0b0 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - 3.10 * - 0.65.0 - 2022-07-17 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - 3.10 * - 0.64.0 - 2022-07-03 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - 3.10 * - 0.63.0 - 2022-06-29 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - 3.10 * - 0.62.1 - 2022-06-09 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - ✘ * - 0.62.0 - 2022-05-22 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - ✘ * - 0.61.2 - 2022-03-17 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - ✘ * - 0.61.0 - 2022-02-22 - 2.0a3 (oommf/oommf:20a3) - ✘ * - 0.60.0 - 2021-10-01 - 2.0a2 (oommf/oommf:20a2) - ✘ * - 0.51 - 2021-02-10 - 2.0a1 (ubermag/oommf) - ✘ .. |mumax3| replace:: mumax\ :sup:`3` .. role:: green .. role:: red .. role:: orangepartly .. role:: orangemissing .. |yes| replace:: :green:`✔` .. |partly| replace:: :orangepartly:`(✔)` .. |missing| replace:: :orangemissing:`(✘)` .. |no| replace:: :red:`✘`