
class oommfc.Driver(**kwargs)#

Driver base class.



Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.




Representation string.


Drives the system in phase space.


Additional keyword arguments allowed for drive.


Schedule drive of the system in phase space.


Additional keyword arguments allowed for schedule.


Write the mif file and related files.





Additional keyword arguments allowed for drive.

This function tests additional keyword arguments that have been passed to the drive method (it is not intended for direct use). A drive in oommfc can accept the following additional keyword arguments.

  • fixed_subregions (list, optional) – List of strings, where each string is the name of the subregion in the mesh whose spins should remain fixed while the system is being driven. Defaults to None.

  • output_step (bool, optional) – If True, output is saved at each step. Default to False.

  • n_threads (int, optional) – Controls the number of threads that OOMMF uses. The number can alternatively also be controlled via the environment variable OOMMF_THREADS. If not specified a default value that depends on the OOMMF installation (typically 4) is used.

  • compute (str, optional) – Schedule... MIF line which can be added to the OOMMF file to save additional data. Defaults to None.


Additional keyword arguments allowed for schedule.

This function tests additional keyword arguments that have been passed to the schedule method (it is not intended for direct use). A drive in oommfc can accept the following additional keyword arguments.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that OOMMF can be executed from the scheduled job. This would typically imply activating the conda environment in the schedule header.

To control the number of threads that OOMMF uses export the environment variable OOMMF_THREADS in the header file. This variable should have the same value as the number of CPUs requested from the scheduling system. If not specified a default value that depends on the OOMMF installation (typically 4) is used.

Note that OOMMF cannot run on multiple nodes.

  • fixed_subregions (list, optional) – List of strings, where each string is the name of the subregion in the mesh whose spins should remain fixed while the system is being driven. Defaults to None.

  • output_step (bool, optional) – If True, output is saved at each step. Default to False.

  • compute (str, optional) – Schedule... MIF line which can be added to the OOMMF file to save additional data. Defaults to None.

write_mif(system, dirname='.', ovf_format='bin8', fixed_subregions=None, output_step=False, compute=None, **kwargs)#

Write the mif file and related files.

Takes micromagneticmodel.System and write the mif file (and related files) to drive it in the phase space. The files are written directly to directory dirname (if not specified the current working directory). No additional subdirectiories are created. To save a specific value during an OOMMF run Schedule... line can be passed using compute.

This method accepts any other arguments that could be required by the specific driver.

Users are generally not encouraged to use this method directly. Instead, Driver.schedule, or oommfc.schedule should be used to write the files an run the simulation. This method is provided to give advanced users full flexibility.

  • system (micromagneticmodel.System) – System object to be driven.

  • dirname (str, optional) – Name of a directory in which the input files are stored. If not specified the current workinng directory is used.

  • ovf_format (str) – Format of the magnetisation output files written by OOMMF. Can be one of 'bin8' (binary, double precision), 'bin4' (binary, single precision) or 'txt' (text-based, double precision). Defaults to 'bin8'.

  • fixed_subregions (list, optional) – List of strings, where each string is the name of the subregion in the mesh whose spins should remain fixed while the system is being driven. Defaults to None.

  • output_step (bool, optional) – If True, output is saved at each step. Default to False.

  • compute (str, optional) – Schedule... MIF line which can be added to the OOMMF file to save additional data. Defaults to None.

  • seealso:: (..) – drive() schedule() compute()