
oommfc.compute(func, system, /, dirname='.', append=True, n_threads=None, runner=None, ovf_format='bin8', verbose=1)#

Computes a particular value of an energy term or energy container (energy, density, or effective_field).

  • func (callable) – A property of an energy term or an energy container.

  • system (micromagneticmodel.System) – Micromagnetic system for which the property is calculated.

  • dirname (str, optional) – Name of a base directory in which the simulation results are stored. Additional subdirectories based on the system name and the current drive number are created automatically. If not specified the current workinng directory is used.

  • append (bool, optional) – If True and the system directory already exists, drive or compute directories will be appended. Defaults to True.

  • n_threads (int, optional) – Controls the number of threads that OOMMF uses. The number can alternatively also be controlled via the environment variable OOMMF_THREADS. If not specified a default value that depends on the OOMMF installation (typically 4) is used.

  • ovf_format (str) – Format of the magnetisation output files written by OOMMF. Can be one of 'bin8' (binary, double precision), 'bin4' (binary, single precision) or 'txt' (text-based, double precision). Defaults to 'bin8'.

  • verbose (int, optional) – If verbose=0, no output is printed. For verbose>=1 information about the OOMMF runner and the runtime is printed to stdout. Defaults is verbose=1.


Resulting value.

Return type:

numbers.Real, discretisedfield.Field


  1. Computing values of energy terms.

>>> import micromagneticmodel as mm
>>> import oommfc as oc
>>> system = mm.examples.macrospin()
>>> oc.compute(system.energy.zeeman.energy, system)
Running OOMMF...
>>> oc.compute(system.energy.effective_field, system)
Running OOMMF...
>>> oc.compute(system.energy.density, system)
Running OOMMF...