The notebooks shown in this section are all tailored to physical questions and demonstrate how to solve them using Ubermag. If you are new to Ubermag you should consider first looking at Getting started which will give a gentle introduction to the concepts of Ubermag. The tutorials here try to be concise and only cover one use case. For a more technical documentation of specific features please refer to the Package documentation and the API Reference.
- Standard problem 3
- Standard problem 4
- Standard problem 5
- FMR standard problem
- Deriving energy values
- Calculating a stray field using an airbox method
- Skyrmion in a disk
- Current induced domain wall motion using STT
- Choosing runner
- Energy term computations
- Field operations 2
- Simulation at finite temperature
- Fixed subregions
- Hysteresis simulations
- Multiple energy terms of the same class
- Negative exchange energy constant
- Periodic boundary conditions
- RKKY energy term
- Sine-hysteresis
- Both spatially and time varying field
- Spatially varying parameters 1
- Spatially varying parameters 2
- Time-varying field
- Time-dependent fields and currents